You gotta enjoy life's simple pleasures and one of mine is looking out our living room window every morning. Its not Sound of Music inspiring every day but for a stretch of a few days back in early May it was. Luckily I gave the windows a good cleaning on one of my days off sometime around late April after Aimee had reminded me it was warming up and it was time to get the screens put back up (I take the screens out of the windows for the winter, Aimee thinks its weird but in my world it makes sense).
So I gave the windows a good cleaning, got the screens put back in, and then we got lucky with a late spring snow storm. The snow had melted pretty much from all of the lower elevations at that time but here we got a gift with a new blanket of the white stuff. One morning I woke up, looked outside and started singing, "the hills are alive with the sound of music." I grabbed the camera and snapped the two above photos to capture the moment. And yes, those are taken from inside the house looking out my clean windows! Then I ran outside and snapped the third photo just out our front door.
I'd love to go to Switzerland or Austria some day, but until then I'll just have to look out our living room window.