This warm autumn weather we have been having lately is like a loaf of freshly baked bread coming right out of the oven. And just like a loaf of warm bread it seems to disappear too quickly.
Maybe that is why this time of year is so precious, it doesn't last long and the soul breaking winter that follows usually does. You want to sit and enjoy it but it can be difficult, the more you enjoy it the more you know you soon won't be able to.
So here are a few photos I've taken around our condo area over this past week and a half.
Come January I'm going to sit here and look at these photos and wimper a little. Hell, I might openly weep in public.
-Wednesday, October 12th-

Two horses in the open field behind our condos.
-Friday, October 14th-

Snow on the mountain peaks, grass still green.

Someone still has some tomatoes in the garden behind our condos.

More of the garden and the open field.

Fall colors against a deep blue sky.
-Monday, October 17th-

The mountains that every day greet me with a, "Good morning Gary. Did you sleep well?"

I'd bet there are a couple of pheasants in there somewhere.

Corn stalks ready to be cut down.

Another condo scene.

The shaded path that leads to our front door. Pleasant.
-Tuesday, October 18th-

More fall colors against a perfect sky.

The only spot in the condo complex better than ours. (Long story.)

The farm to the south west.